Akoranga Preschool

Your Child's Story Park

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Forest Excursions

Every couple of weeks your tamariki will get the opportunity to go out and explore the forest!
Accompanied by two teachers, the tamariki will be able to explore and investigate the environment, from bush walks to tent assembly, each child will discover different ways to problem solve, use good thinking skills, practice turn taking as well as role modeling with their peers.
What ever the weather may be on the day, the children and teachers will endeavour to go out! Whether that be wrapped up warm in their jackets and hats or cool in their t-shirts and shorts, there will be plenty of fun to be had either way. 
This opportunity gives the children the chance to learn outside the classroom that they are familiar with here at Akoranga.

Te Whāriki: 
Exploration | Mana Aotūroa - Children begin to make sense of their worlds by generating and refining working theories. 
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