Akoranga Preschool

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Challenge - Being Physically Active

Physically active play - Korikori

Children love moving and movement and being physically active is an important part of everyday life.

Finding ways every day for children to use large and small muscles allows them to gain increasing control over their bodies.

Physical activity promotes children’s mental and emotional health as well as their physical well-being.


Physically active play can help children to:

  • develop large muscles, strength and balance
  • develop flexibility and coordination including hand–eye coordination
  • develop skills such as throwing, catching, hopping, skipping, climbing and balancing
  • develop awareness of space, such as over/under, in front/behind, on top/beneath, inside/outside
  • develop mathematical concepts such as long/short, big/small, wide/narrow
  • be confident in controlling their bodies and learn their limits
  • learn to cooperate and share
  • understand that physical activity is fun and can release tension.
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