Akoranga Preschool

Your Child's Story Park

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Art at Akoranga

“The arts” is the collective term for four disciplines; music, dance, visual arts, and drama. For tamariki from birth to school age, the arts play a very important role in communication and the expression of ideas. 

Children experience an environment where they develop working theories for making sense of the natural, social, physical, and material worlds.
As a team, we are constantly reflecting on the learning experiences your children are involved in. We believe that to empower your children in their learning we must understand and listen to their cues on a daily basis. Your children are the essence of our centre and we want them to have experiences where they actively take part in the running of these experiences.

Our team thrive on offering children lots of different experiences. This encourages them to make discoveries for themselves, from learning about new textures to trialing out new skills. 

Drawing and painting can help children to:

- develop hand, eye, arm and body coordination
- develop finger and hand muscles
- use shape, form and colour to express themselves in ways they may not have words for yet
- experiment with colour and texture
- represent ideas
- show moods and feelings
- begin to develop writing skills.


Family and Dramatic play can help children to: 

  • learn to socialise and communicate
  • learn language, and practise using it
  • express their feelings
  •  brings life from home into centre play, giving them a sense of belonging outside of home
  • be creative by making up their own stories, chants and songs
  • learn about cooperating and understanding from another person’s point of view
  • gain confidence
  • practise problem solving
  • become familiar with the symbol systems of society such as letters and numbers

Te Whāriki: 
Communication | Mana Reo - Children can discover and develop different ways to be creative and expressive

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